Nothing for me...
A humbling truth
nothing for me...
Gods hands hath move so mightily
He call the east to collide with the west
From bondage He sent His mercy and grace
and gathered His lost one in His embrace...
Nothing for me...
He allowed the storms to pour and devour
He sent to make the unbelieving understand
that even the hail He would sent
to test His worthy ones...
Nothing for me...
God showed us how He loves him and me
He sent the trials so fiery and pierce
To make us see...
That under the sun
Gods purposes be done...
Nothing for me...
Though He allowed the pains
That we may be worthy to gain Him...
and in complete faith and surrender
will live our lives in His mercy and grace
according to His will...
Nothing for me...
He made me see...
That He was in all through all
Knitting all things to happen
To carry out His salvation plan...
Though He suffered me...
for His Glory...
Nothing for me
I humbly understand...
He uses my life
He works in me...
He called me...
to understand...
Manuelle Augustine